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How to send us Feedback?

You can send your feedback or report the issue wing in-app feedback system.

Click or tap "Preferences' button to open 'Preferences' window. Choose 'Feedback' tab or tap 'Report issue' button:


In the "Feedback" tab, provide your name and email address, and describe your issue or suggested improvement in as much detail as possible. If applicable, include the steps to reproduce the issue.

You can select the "Share debug information" option to attach WireSock Secure Connect logs containing debug data to your feedback. These logs can help investigate and troubleshoot your issue. To review the logs before sending, click the "View Logs" button.

If an application crashes, it is sometimes necessary to obtain a crash dump to assist in the investigation of the issue. A crash dump is a type of memory dump that can be triggered at the point of failure, so the state of the program can be saved and investigated later to find the root cause of the crash. Select 'Attach dump' checkbox to share application dump with developers for the issue troubleshooting.

Ensure you accept the privacy policy before submitting your feedback, then tap "Submit Feedback" to send your information.